I am the publisher and Website Manager of the Robarts.com website and more specifically, of the Intelligence History section of that website. If you would care to click on these two links, your browser should take you to this website and to this section of this website. You should also see that within this section there is an area which is devoted to the promotion of another book about the East German Foreign Intelligence Service (aka. Stasi). The purpose of my approach to you and the purpose of this online presentation of a book or indeed a bibliography on this and other intelligence-related matters is to establish the Robarts.com Intelligence History section as an online source of reliable information about non-fiction books which are being published from time-to-time around the World. It is also to be hoped that this website will also promote interest within the ‘intelligence’ community in books and other ‘open source’ published information sources about the ‘intelligence’ community worldwide.
The Robarts.com website offers a suite of digital online and telecommunications facilities which are not to be found on many (nor any, as far as I am aware) websites which focus on the book publishing industry. One feature of this website will be a section which is devoted to the presentation of an author in person and in the context of his published work. Two examples of this approach will be found in the list of links below. ‘Nazis On The Run’ is a link to a YouTube video presentation by the author in person which provides a brief overview of this book about the search for Nazi war criminals after the end of the Second World War in May 1945. ‘David Pryce-Jones – Treason of the Heart’ is similarly a YouTube link to a recorded interview between the author of a recently published book about people who commit treason out of a sense of personal idealism and Andrew Marr who is a well-respected TV. journalist here in the UK.
The following two link are to an audiofile of an interview with the author of a book entitled ‘Exorcising Hitlet’. This is a book about the denazification of Germany and Western Europe during the years immediately following the end of the Second World War, the impact of the Nuremburg Trials and the onset of the Cold War stand-off with the Soviet Union in Berlin at that time. This is an excellent example of exactly what I have in mind to create and to make available to the ‘intelligence’ community in order to promote interest in your book about the Stasi.
The attached file – 38.mp3 – is a recording of a recent telephone conversation with a person who emailed me with details of a cryptography conference and who wished me to circulate details of the conference to members of my email distribution list. The purpose of sending you this recording is to demonstrate what can be done to record a telephone conversation from anywhere in the World about any subject of your own choice, to download the recorded .mp3 audio file, to post it either into an email attachment or into the appropriate section of my website at Robarts.com and then to make the recording available to whoever may be interested in what the Robarts.com website has to offer.
The Robarts.com website offers a Blog facility which is available to anyone who wishes to use it to make a contribution to the website itself. A Discussion Forum is also available for anyone who wishes to take a more detailed interest in the subjects which are indicated by the Subject Headings of each section. YOU MUST REGISTER IF YOU WISH TO ACCESS THE DISCUSSION FORUM. Your registration will be screened by the Webmaster to ensure that there exists no possibility that spammers, lurkers, conspiracy theorists and other members of the World Wide Web lunatic fringe are allowed to register themselves on the website. Spamming and other abusive postings have caused websites in the past to become choked with so much rubbish that they have had to be closed down altogether. This is not going to be allowed to happen with Robarts.com. That is why we must insist on a registration process being followed in respect of the Discussion Forum.
I would very much appreciate it if we could have the opportunity to speak by telephone. I would be pleased to telephone you at any time of your own choosing anywhere in the World where you may happen to be. If you would please email me with a telephone number where I can telephone you, I will do so at any time which you indicate as being convenient for you. I would like to discuss with you the purpose and function of the Robarts.com website and its usefulness to a published author. A telephone interview or a series of telephone interviews on the subject of your book and also on the subject of yourself as a published author with any details of the amount of time and effort which went into the research and the writing of the book would be of great interest to the audience of ‘intelligence’ literati and professional historians whose attention will be drawn to your book and to any future books which you may have in mind for the future by receiving an email from this website.
This virtual community will be updated by means of regular and frequent email updates. The Robarts.com website also offers the option of a web / telephone conferencing communications suite so that everyone involved in it can keep in contact with each other. In combination with an audio podcast and the email distribution list, we hope to be able to encourage many other people to take an intelligent and well-informed interest in your book and in you as a published author. We also hope that the archived files on the website will be useful to any other book authors who are researching the subject of the Stasi for the purpose of writing books of their own.