Start 05/04/2012 17:55:13 / Current 10/04/2012 20:08:08 CHAT_BOT – LIVE CHAT link’.
Attention – Email Distribution List. CHAT_BOT / LIVE CHAT link
Please click on the above link when you receive this email.
Your continued interest in and your cooperation with the management and development of this website will be really invaluable in making this website one of the most dynamic and truly interactive modern communications media to be in existence at the moment.
These links will take you to a BLOG posting on the central website. This posting will provide you with details as to how you can access the new BoldChat facility which is being installed on this website.
The purpose of installing this new chat facility is to identify those of our website visitors who are genuinely interested in what the website offers and who are prepared to take an active and intelligent interest in what is being published there.
We are now minded to identify and to remove from our readership those who wish only to receive email without having to react to it in any other way. This is the principal purpose of this stage of the development of this website.
We do appreciate and attach great importance to your continued interest in the website. Please contact the webmaster as indicated in the BLOG posting by clicking on the LiveChat link on the Home Page.
This Email Distribution List would be better managed than it is being managed at present if it were to be subscribed to and joined by people in the ‘intelligence history’ business who had been invited specifically to join it in the first place and who had a good reason for doing so. It would also be helpful if the complete list were to be circulated to all list members every time someone new joined the list. New and existing list members could be encouraged to join and more fully to take an active and intelligent interest in the List by receiving a BoldChat – Webex invitation to do so from the website management team.
New members joining the List would be announced to the rest of the List members by email in much the same way that the Crisis Mappers Net list is kept fully updated and well-informed at the present moment.
This list management methodology could also be deployed in respect of the Organic Food EDL. and the Renewable Resources / Solar PV. EDL.
Each person’s email address and website address is to be listed as a Random Number on this website so that everyone who is listed in the email distribution list on the website can communicate with everyone else on an individual, one-on-one basis if they wish to do so. This is intended to encourage List Members to exchange emails with each other as well as with the List as a whole.